Justine has several courses available on Understand Horses. All are entirely online and are available internationally.


Whether you are considering a career as a horse behaviour consultant, just starting your business, already practicing and seeking advice for challenging cases or looking for one-on-one coaching to advance your consulting skills then this mentorship is for you.  
You will have access to 8 weeks of learning – including video lessons, group Zoom sessions for weekly live chat, group discussions in a dedicated forum, real-life case studies and practical business advice. You will also have the opportunity to discuss one of your own cases or work through an example case with Justine to help you improve and organise your consulting practice.

The programme will cover: 
Behaviour consulting business models, conducting in-person and remote consultations, organising your consultation process, effective history taking, working with vets and other paraprofessionals, brand identity, marketing your business, how to approach a variety of common horse behaviour problems including separation anxiety, stereotypies, aggression and fear, assessing equine body language and behaviour, using LIMA in practice, training protocols, managing complex cases, how to structure training and behaviour modification plans, managing the client relationship, how to track client progress, troubleshooting, how to protect yourself emotionally and physically, business development and real-life case studies of a range of problem behaviours.

The mentorship runs for 8 weeks twice a year. The approximate weekly commitment will be 3-4 hours of study and discussions. All course material will be available for 30 days after the course has finished.

The course is approved for CPD/CEU for all International Association of Animal Behaviour Consultants practitioners and Karen Pryor Academy professionals.

You can find more information and enrol in the next programme HERE

UNDERSTAND HORSE BEHAVIOUR: On-demand course, 2 hours of lessons

This is a 2 hour on-demand course that can be started anytime. This course is an introduction to horse behaviour. You will learn about different aspects of the horse's natural behaviour and as a result, benefit from an improved understanding of how your own horse behaves. 

You will learn about:
Natural horse behaviour, social life, herd structure, the horse's behavioural needs – including play, sleep, movement and maintenance behaviours, stress and how it affects the horse, how common behaviour problems can develop and how to avoid them. You will also learn how to enrich your horse's environment for better welfare and tips improve your horse’s behaviour.

Once enrolled you have 60 days to complete the course. The course is approved for CPD/CEU for all International Association of Animal Behaviour Consultants practitioners, British Horse Society Accredited Professional Coaches, Pony Club UK Coaches, Karen Pryor Academy professionals and International Association of Animal Therapists.

You can find more information and enrol in the course HERE

UNDERSTAND EQUINE BODY LANGUAGE: On-demand course, 2.5 hours of lessons

This is a 2.5 hour on-demand course that you can buy and watch anytime. This course is an introduction to equine body language and communication. You will benefit from an improved understanding of how your own horse behaves and how horses communicate with each other as well as gaining new practical skills to recognise when your horse is stressed, frightened, relaxed or in pain.

You will learn:
How horses communicate, how to read equine body language, how posture and body language reveals equine emotions, how to recognise pain, stress and fear, how to assess the horse’s emotional thresholds, how we misinterpret equine body language.

Once enrolled you have 60 days to complete the course. The course is approved for CPD/CEU for all International Association of Animal Behaviour Consultants practitioners, British Horse Society Accredited Professional Coaches, Pony Club UK Coaches, Karen Pryor Academy professionals and International Association of Animal Therapists.

You can find more information and enrol in the course HERE.

AN INTRODUCTION TO HORSE BEHAVIOUR CONSULTING: On-demand recorded webinar with Lauren Fraser MSc

Would you like to learn about the practice of horse behaviour consulting?

Horse behaviour problems are a common complaint of both horse owners and equine veterinarians. Specific issues in horses are best addressed by qualified experts. However, while most people know to contact a veterinarian when their horse is ill or lame, some uncertainty still remains about where people should turn when a horse has a behaviour problem.

To complicate matters, hiring an unqualified professional can result in worsening of existing problems or even the creation of new problems. How are horse owners or referring veterinarians to know which professional is the most appropriate one to hire in these situations?

In this webinar recording, equine behaviour consultants Justine Harrison and Lauren Fraser discuss different aspects of horse behaviour consulting, and what people should know before hiring or referring to a professional to address horse behaviour problems.

The presentation includes: an introduction to the profession of horse behaviour consultant, different models of behaviour consulting, the role of veterinary referral in a consultant’s work, the consultation process, how consultants determine why the problem behaviour is occurring, common horse behaviour problems, behaviour modification techniques and training techniques to be avoided.

Once enrolled you have 60 days to watch the recording. The course is approved for CPD/CEU for all International Association of Animal Behaviour Consultants practitioners, British Horse Society Accredited Professional Coaches, Pony Club UK Coaches and Karen Pryor Academy professionals.

You can find more information and enrol in the course HERE.